
MarionLIFE appreciates the support of the following groups who either donate to us or partner with us for service delivery. Can you or your organisation become a supporter of MarionLIFE? Contact us today to discuss – we would love to hear from you and work together to serve the community.

Anglicare SA

Ascot Park Primary School

Australia Post

Australian Refugee Association

Baptist Care SA

Blue Bird Bakery

CareWorks SA

Carthew Foundation

City of Marion


Clovelly Park Primary School

Coles Park Holme

Colonel Light Gardens Uniting Church

Community Centres SA

Coopers Foundation

Corner Uniting Church

Cove Civic Centre

Danks Trust

Department for Education

Department of Human Services SA

Department of Premier Cabinet / Premier of SA





Department of Social Services

Edwardstown Lodge No. 168 – Freemasons

Emmaus Christian College

Foodbank SA

Hindu Society of SA


Good360 Australia

Good Shepherd Microfinance

Inner Wheel Holdfast Marion

Junction Australia

Life Without Barriers

Lions Club of Edwardstown

Lions Club of Marion City

Louise Miller-Frost MP

Marion Church of Christ

Marion Rd. Pizzeria

Marion-Warradale Uniting Church

Monteverdi Singers

Morialta Trust

Nadia Clancy MP

Oaklands Estate Kindergarten

Officeworks Marion




Park Holme Library

Patritti Wines

SA Council of Social Service

Safe Pets Safe Families

Share the Dignity

Smartgroup Foundation

Spendless Shoes

St Elizabeth’s Anglican Church

StreetSmart Australia

Sunedin Specialist School

The Village Co.

TerryWhite Chemmart Marion

Temple Christian College Marion

Tonsley Future Energy Consortium

Tonsley Village

Toward Home Alliance

UnitingCare Wesley Bowden

Uniting Communities

Volunteering SA&NT

Westpac Foundation

Women’s Legal Service SA

Wyatt Trust / Lions Club of Richmond